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Posté par
23-02-14 à 21:46

Hi, I'm still a beginner in Cplex, that's why I need your help to solve my problem.

In fact, I have requests that will be assigned to resources with different abilities. Each request must be assigned to the resource with the largest spare capacity.

I started with the following model that allocates requests to any resource and I thought later to use a boolean variable that will decide what is the resource that has the largest capacity.But frankly, I have not arrived to a solution.

Thnaks in advance.


maximize Accept_rate ;

subject to {
      forall (i in TaskIds)
     sum (k in RequestSite[i],j in RequestMachine[k][i]) x[k][j][i] <= 1;
      forall(k in  SiteIds ){
    forall(j in  RsrcIds[k])
        sum(t  in Requests)
           forall(k in  SiteIds){
    forall(j in  RsrcIds[k])
        sum(t  in Requests)

Where Accept rateis the amount of the accepted request and X[k][j][i]  is a boolean variable that take 1 if the request i is assigned to the resource j in the site k.

BW and Capacity are respectively the bandwidth and the capacity of each resource.

t.dmds and are respectively are respectively the bandwidth and the capacity of each request.

édit Océane : forum modifié

Posté par
lafol Moderateur
re : Cplex 24-02-14 à 09:32

This site is a site of mathematical and French-speaking mutual aid.
You would have maybe answers by translating your request into French, and in the appropriate forum (Autres - logiciel). Do not redo a topic yourself: I am going to ask for the movement of this one at the right place. Content with posting in reply the translation of your first comment.

Texte d'origine (traduction reverso)
Ce site est un site d'entraide mathématique et francophone.
Vous auriez peut-être des réponses en traduisant votre requête en français, et dans le forum approprié (Autres - logiciels). Ne refaites pas un topic vous-même : je vais demander le déplacement de celui-ci au bon endroit. Contentez-vous de poster en réponse la traduction de votre premier post.

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