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Statistiques / Théorie des Jeux / Enigme sur la guerre

Posté par titoeuf (invité) 14-05-07 à 21:51

Salut les Habitants de l'île,

Voili voilou mon problème... Je ne parviens pas à les commencer! J'en ai résolu 29 sur les 30 que l'on m'a donné à résoudre mais celui là est comment dire plus difficile (L'anglais ne m'aide pas!!)

In 1944, the Allies were planning an operation for the liberation of Europe, and the Nazis were planning their defense against it. There where two possibilities for the initial landing - the Normandy beaches and Pas de Calais. A landing would surely succeed against a weak defense, so the Germans would have to concentrate their attention on one of these two places. Calais was more difficult to invade, but more valuable to win, being closer to the Allies' ultimate targets in France, Belgium and Germany itself. Suppose that the probabilities of success for the Allies have been esti- mated to 75% for Normandy if Germany's main defense is concentrated there, and 100% if Germany's main defense is concentrated in Calais; 20% for Calais if Germany's main defense is concentrated in Calais and 100% if Germany's main defense is concentrated in Normandy. The Allies count their payo s on a scale of 0 to 100 and consider a successful landing at Calais as 100, a successful landing at Normandy as 80, and a failure at either place as 0.

a) Model the game as a zero-sum game in matrix form, where the matrix presents the the Allies' point of view. Je connais des problèmes dans la modélisation, ce qui empêche de résoudre la suite
b) Find all equilibrium strategies for the Allies and the Germans.
c) Comment on the equilibrium strategies and outcome, comparing them to the actual historical outcome. (For the unaware of history: the Allies landed successfully in Normandy).

Posté par Lankou (invité)re : Statistiques / Théorie des Jeux / Enigme sur la guerre 15-05-07 à 18:57


Comme personne n'a l'air de repondre, je me lance. Sans garantie.

Statistiques / Théorie des Jeux / Enigme sur la guerre

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